In Kismat Ki Lakiron Se Episode 371, the ongoing drama between the two sisters, Shraddha and Keerti, intensifies as fate continues to play a significant role in shaping their destinies. The show, set in Kanpur, portrays the contrasting lives of the two sisters from a humble family with supportive parents.
Show Synopsis and Background
Shraddha’s life takes a dramatic turn when her wedding, initially arranged with Varun, faces an unexpected twist. On the wedding day, Varun falls for the younger and more attractive Keerti, secretly arranging for goons to delay Shraddha’s return from the salon. As a result, Shraddha’s parents hastily marry Keerti to Varun, while Shraddha is later wed to Varun’s cousin, Abhay.
Keerti, now a spoilt and rebellious wife, clashes with the traditional household rules, while Shraddha, though in an awkward marriage with the jobless yet earnest Abhay, emerges as the dutiful wife and daughter-in-law. Over time, misunderstandings arise, but they also lead to Abhay and Shraddha developing a strong bond and eventually falling in love. Meanwhile, the family begins to recognize Keerti’s dishonest and rude behavior.
Episode 371 Summary
In this episode, Abhay faces a critical decision-making phase as he reconsiders his life choices, leading to significant consequences for his relationships. His actions raise concerns among his family members and others close to him.
The episode delves deeper into the complex relationship dynamics within the family, highlighting the stark contrast between Keerti’s rebellious nature and Shraddha’s compliant and dutiful demeanor.
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As the story progresses, the tension between the sisters and their respective marriages becomes more apparent. Shraddha continues to fulfill her role as the dutiful daughter-in-law, while Keerti’s defiance and disregard for household norms create further conflict.
The episode leaves viewers intrigued about how these developments will impact the characters’ futures and relationships.
Kismat Ki Lakiron Se | Episode 371 | Latest Full Episode