Meesho’s Shipping Charges and Product Weight Issues: A Detailed Analysis Rishi Ecommerce

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Meesho, an Indian online marketplace, has gained popularity by providing a platform for small businesses and entrepreneurs to sell their products. However, recently, there have been growing concerns among users and sellers about the platform’s shipping charges and the reported increase in product weights. This article delves into these issues, exploring the reasons behind them and their implications for both buyers and sellers.

1. High Shipping Charges on Meesho

Many users have reported a significant increase in shipping charges when purchasing products through Meesho. This rise in shipping costs has sparked widespread dissatisfaction, especially among regular customers who noticed the sudden change.

Possible Reasons for High Shipping Charges

  • Logistics Costs: Shipping costs can fluctuate due to various factors, such as fuel prices, logistics infrastructure, and demand for delivery services. Meesho may have increased shipping charges to offset rising logistics expenses.
  • Delivery Partner Policies: Meesho relies on third-party logistics partners to deliver products. Changes in the policies or pricing models of these partners can directly impact shipping charges on the platform.
  • Weight and Volume Considerations: Shipping charges are often calculated based on the weight and volume of the product. If there’s a perceived increase in these parameters, it could lead to higher shipping costs.

2. Increase in Product Weight by Meesho

Another issue reported by sellers and buyers is the alleged increase in the recorded weight of products listed on Meesho. Many claim that the platform has been inaccurately recording higher weights, leading to higher shipping costs.

Concerns and Implications

  • Increased Shipping Charges: A higher product weight directly results in increased shipping costs. This can deter potential buyers from completing their purchases, as the overall cost becomes less appealing.
  • Impact on Sellers: Sellers often face the brunt of these discrepancies. They may receive complaints from customers about inflated shipping charges, which can harm their reputation and sales.
  • Transparency Issues: The alleged increase in product weight raises concerns about transparency. Users expect accurate product descriptions, including weight, to make informed purchasing decisions. Any deviation from this expectation can erode trust in the platform.

3. Median Weight by Meesho

Meesho reportedly uses a median weight calculation method for determining the shipping charges of products. This approach involves taking the middle value of the weights recorded for similar products. However, this method has its pros and cons.

Advantages of Median Weight Calculation

  • Fairness: By using the median weight, Meesho aims to prevent outliers from disproportionately affecting the shipping charges. This can be seen as a fairer approach compared to using the average weight, which may be skewed by extremely light or heavy products.
  • Standardization: Median weight calculation can help standardize shipping charges across similar products, making it easier for buyers to understand and anticipate costs.

Disadvantages and Challenges

  • Potential Discrepancies: Sellers and buyers have reported cases where the median weight does not accurately reflect the actual weight of the product. This can lead to discrepancies in shipping charges and cause dissatisfaction among users.
  • Lack of Clarity: Not all users may be aware of how the median weight is calculated. Lack of clarity around this method can lead to confusion and frustration, especially if users feel that the shipping charges are not justified.

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